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Chris is one of the most well loved, inspirational teachers in the business and proud member of the Les Mills Asia Pacific BODYBALANCE® team(incl. AIM1 & 2) our most beloved famous program offered at streamlined bodies! He also teaches the brilliant half hour abs blaster class we offer, CXWORX®. He is an experienced personal trainer who focuses on results. 

Originally and always a Newcastle boy, instructing classes is Chris's first love and he rounds out his full-time fitness gig as the Head Program Coach for BODYSTEP® in Les Mills Asia Pacific developing Australia's much loved BODYSTEP® trainer and presenter team who are, according to him, the most amazing and inspiring people on earth. Chris wears his title with extreme pride and teaches at Sydney's most well-known Fitness Clubs. He is also a BODYATTACK® Trainer (incl. AIM1 & 2). 

"My top priority for streamlined Bodies members is to help them enjoy exercise. I want to make the hour pass quickly and make them feel happy, successful and proud so that they will come back for next week's class and next week's and next week's until they actually look forward to it."

Chris is committed to helping people develop an exercise habit. It seems to him that most of the population think they hate working out but he aims to change that by creating exercise fanatics who can't wait to get to class! And he has!!!

Chris says: "Once upon a time I completed a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition & Dietetics) and it was at uni that I fell into the Fitness Profession." He's been teaching Group Exercise classes for more than 15 years.                   Back

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