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How does Meditative Salt Therapy work?
Relax in the tranquil atmosphere of the Salt Rooms to a guided meditation. By incorporating different breathing techniques and meditation we combine the potent natural healing forces of salt to create a therapeutic environment like no other! Inhaling Salt is clinically proven to cleanse the respiratory system and speed up elimination of toxins. Salt rich in negative ions has ant-bactericidal effects, slowing its growth and increasing resistance to respiratory tract diseases. Meditating in the Salt rooms creates the most exceptional healing for our intricate and beautiful respiratory system treating conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia & sinusitis.
Salt Room Meditation
Meditate, Meditate, Meditate!!!
A healthy mind is a healthy body, soul and spirit
Why Meditate?
Overwhelming evidence from major university researchers now prove what we have known instinctively for centuries. Meditation is imperative for good health. Stanford University has done the research on breathing, meditation and Yoga. Mindfulness, of our thoughts, emotions, and environment, has been associated with a host of benefits, including reduced stress, greater positive emotions, and a healthier body image.
Recent studies published; The journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes in November 2012, tested 201 people with coronary heart disease who were asked to either (a) take a health education class promoting better diet and exercise or (b) take a class on transcendental meditation. Researchers followed up with participants for the next five years and found that those who took the meditation class had a 48% reduction in their overall risk of heart attack, stroke and death. Meditation lowers insulin levels and reduces blood pressure!
Researchers at UCLA studied the brains of people who had been meditating for years, versus those who had never meditated taking MRI scans of 100 people — half meditators and half non-meditators. They found that long-time meditators showed higher levels of gyrification (a folding of the cerebral cortex that may be associated with faster information processing).
John Denninger, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, is leading a five-year study on how the ancient practices affect genes and brain activity in the chronically stressed. His latest work follows a study he and others published earlier this year showing how mind-body techniques can switch on and off some genes linked to stress and immune function!
Located at: 2/17 Hollywood Avenue Bondi Junction
Times: Thursday 12-1pm & Saturday 10-11am
Price: 4 sessions at a discounted rate of $60 ($15 per session)
Book Here or Call: Liza 0411844443 or Tanya 93691698
Click link to find out more
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