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Events & Workshops

Barre-Li retreat (Bali)   21-26 May 2017 !  Book now 




Spring Clean 
It’s time for a 'shape' up!

Date:  Sat 5th September - 5th October 2016

Time: 1 month of healthy life choices and exercise challenge

Cost:   $99 purchased online or $79 for our clients on a membership-mail for your discount. Get in quick! 


Have the past few Wintry months left you feeling sluggish and a bit eh? 
It's time to dust off and find fab, sexy you! The days are getting longer, warmer and definitely brighter. Let’s change up our habits. @theBarre we believe a healthy lifestyle is the answer, no fad diets or high impact damaging-exercising. This will be our re-energizer, together we will feel cleaner, lighter and brighter!

Kick-starting September 5th for one month. Let’s do this together!
What you get:

  • 4 weeks of support to reach your old sexy- self goals

  • A love-filled collection of recipes from your @theBarre instructors.

  • 30 min Kick start Nutrition info session with Liza (book your time Thurs 1st Sept. 1-3pm or  Fri 2nd Sept. from 11am-7pm or Sat 3rd Sept from 1-2pm)

  • Clean eating guide to help you find joy in the foods that will bring you more energy and kick start your metabolism

  • Nutritional Diary (to help you keep track day to day and reviewed weekly by Liza)

  • Before and after pics and measurements!

  • Beach dance lesson with Rach to energize!

  • Spring Clean Face book group filled with daily motivation and support

  • First 10 sign up's will receive a goodie bag! It comes with your very own looped band, so you can strengthen butt, hip and thighs each day. BE QUICK!

  • 10% off our 10 packs and a huge 15% off our 20 packs to help you on the road to fitness.

  • Email motivation, inspiration & accountability

  • A fit, hot, confident you, empowered and ready to burst with energy into the Summer months!













If you missed this great event email us your interest for

the next one!


Prevent and Reduce Your Back Pain Workshop 

Date:  Sat 3rd September 2016

Time: 2:00 - 4:30 pm

Cost:   $60

Pre-book to avoid disappointment, limited spaces 12 members only!                                                                         


Whether you’re a CEO, an entrepreneur, a corporate worker, a mother, a wife, a student or a blend of all, this workshop will give you the tools to make your life, better, whole, and healthier, both personally and professionally.  Join Michael for 2  1/2  hours focusing just on you, learning to reduce/eliminating back pain and get back to the business of being vital, energetic and whole!  


The workshop includes:

  • A highly motivating and informative speaker

  • A Yolates (Pilates/ Yoga based) class to learn and try out your new moves

  • Spinal assessments with 1-on-1 feedback on strengthening/stretching/releases/ to do's

  • Foam rolling/trigger point releases

  • Basic spinal/core anatomy

  • Tailored hybrid pilates/yoga/injury rehab class at the end                                                                                                                                         



If you missed this great event email us your interest for

the next one!


Ballet/ Splits school 6 Week Challenge

Dates: Tuesdays 9 August - 13 September 2016

Time: 11:30 - 12:45 pm

Cost:   $180  

Pre-book to avoid disappointment, limited spaces 12 members only!

Ever wanted to attempt the splits? You can now!! Best party trick ever! 

Join Liza and Jacqui for a six week, fun, playful, safe and informative ballet workshop. 

Have you ever dreamed of being a flexible, graceful, beautiful ballerina? Then this

workshop is for you! Perish the thoughts "I can't do that?" Our fun beginners course

will have you laughing as you attempt the impossible and learn the basics of ballet A-Z!

Have you tried to do a split casually and looked like you had an invisible piece of string

tied from one thigh to the other stopping your full range of splits movement? No worries

this incredible feat of flexibility is within your grasp of almost anyone who's patient enough.



The workshop will give you:

  • Improved fitness achieving longer, leaner, toned muscles you long for.

  • Focus on the stretches you need to improve your flexibility even if you can't touch your toes... YET! 

  • A workshop suitable for all levels of fitness & flexibility. NO NEED TO BE A TINY TINY FLEXIBLE BALLERINA!!

  • Improve all your barre class, Pilates and Yoga techniques for a safer, stronger workout!

  • Give you a fuller understanding of the incredible art of Ballet and the life of a ballerina from TWO ballerina teachers!

  • The workshop will finish with a full 15- 20 minutes of stretch and tone! 

  • You receive your very own complimentary elastic mesh ballet slippers



So I said to the gym instructor: 'Can you teach me to do the splits?' She said: 'How flexible are you?' I said: I can't make Tuesdays.' 














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