
@theBarre our classes and private pilates sessions are adapted to those who are pregnant. Before starting your first class let your instructor know how far along you are to advise you and modify exercises during class. Please arrive 15 minutes early or call to discuss in advance.
Weeks 8-13 are your highest danger weeks and we encourage great care during that time and suggest rest. Ask your obstetrician what is suitable for you. However if you are used to this type of exercise and it's not new for your body it is usually quite safe to continue in the first trimester.
2nd -3rd Trimesters are quite safe unless you have been directed otherwise by your obstetrician.
The A-Z about pregnancy and exercise @theBarre
Learn to make space for your baby when you create movement. You will know immediately if you feel compressed and need more space so become mindful and aware of your body.
Twist poses can compress the preggie belly so we open the twist by turning away to the outside of our body rather than twisting in and compressing the stomach.
Standing with feet hip distance apart not only makes space, but is also kinder on your lumbar/lower spine that tends to fatigue during pregnancy due to the extra 'load'.
Forward folds can create dizziness so coming to half way, flat back extension, rather than all the way forward will equalize your blood pressure and create greater comfort.
A smaller range of movements is recommended and we will show you how and give options to allow for that in class.
Barre and Pilates classes can help strengthen the pelvic floor, which can shorten the pushing stage and prevent post- partum incontinence
Barre and Pilates classes are a fantastic way to prepare for labour as you build strong legs and glutes that are a big help during labour and those tiring contractions
Best of all you keep strong, fit and streamlined, bouncing back into shape after your tiny human is born.
Most importantly eat a healthy balanced diet to support the growth and nutritional needs of your bub! We offer nutritional advice to suit pregnancy click to find out more.
The Do's and Dont's about Core Training
Question: Can I do upper crunches
Answer: No! Why? The rectus Abdominis (upper six pack) needs to remain intact. This can be a causation for separation during pregnancy and whilst this can be managed those muscles do not re knit together without surgery.
Question: Can I do lower abdominal training
Answer: Yes Why? By drawing the belly up and in we use our stabilizers and these prevent separation building lower spinal strength.
Question: Can I do oblique exercises
Answer: Yes! Why? Obliques are fine as they lie at your sides and over your rib cage and so are out of the danger zone.
Question: Can I lie on my back?
Answer: If you are comfortable you can for short periods and then we suggest you lie on the side of your heart as you want continuous blood flow to the uterus and this position helps you not to block the Vena Cava nerve responsible for this blood flow.